If the roof is not an option or your preferred location to mount a platform to is the tub of your ute we do have products we can offer. The options will depend on your particular vehicle and the version of the tub you have. To confirm what you are able to mount use the SELECT YOUR VEHICLE section of our website or check with our customer service team. Below are some possible platforms for you.
Reconn Deck
Rhino-Rack has developed a mounting system called the Reconn Deck that is capable of having a couple of different platforms mounted to it. You can have the standard Pioneer Platform or the more compact Reconn-Deck bars, whichever will better suit your purpose.
Frontrunner offers a tub-mounted platform that also has options to attach to hard covers with tracks. The horizontal running planks make for easy to attach certain accessories or products such as rooftop tents. The channels come with an easy access drop-in cut out, for mounting not only Frontrunners but other compatible brands' accessories.
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